WINE Apps in fullscreen


I use xrandr to scale the game. After the game is up I have a custom key linked to this command;

xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1360x768 --scale 0.59x0.78 --panning 800x600

When you need to return to the normal size screen;

xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1360x768 --scale 1x1 --panning 1360x768

VGA-0 is the name of my display, use xrandr from terminal to find the name of your display. Old games are a real challenge when they never made the game window to resize.


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Bruno Demantova
Author by

Bruno Demantova

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Bruno Demantova
    Bruno Demantova over 1 year

    I recently discovered that you can save the console output from a C++ program to a text file using Visual Studio (adding a "> output.txt" in Command Arguments on your project properties).

    The problem is that I want the output to show both inside the output file I create and the command console, for easier debugging (once you save the output to a file, it doesn't show anymore on the console). Is there any option to enable both of these features in Visual Studio, or something similar?

    • Tim
      Tim almost 10 years
      If you set wine to "Emulate a virtual desktop, in the graphics tab, then it might be able to achieve a higher res.
    • Horațiu Mlendea
      Horațiu Mlendea almost 10 years
      Already tried it and I still have the same problem. I can confirm that the app did indeed launch in a virtual desktop since I was able to see the "virtual desktop" for a fraction of a second after closing the game.
    • Tim
      Tim almost 10 years
      What if you open another app first? What is the desktop set to?
    • Horațiu Mlendea
      Horațiu Mlendea almost 10 years
      Ok so I started a windowed app in an 1024x768 desktop (it was windowed). All went fine so far but when I started Starcraft the desktop went to 800x600 (Starcraft's resolution) and stayed that way until I closed Starcraft and then it went back to normal and the first app was still there...
    • Horațiu Mlendea
      Horațiu Mlendea almost 10 years
      Yes, everyone says it works perfectly but I also have this problem in other games too not just Starcraft... After searching a little more on Google I found out something about resolutions not being set correctly in xorg.conf but I don't know anything about this file or how to fix it... :-s
    • Horațiu Mlendea
      Horațiu Mlendea almost 10 years
      Ok I think I found the problem... I just switched to the integrated Intel Card from nVidia X Server Settings using PRIME Profiles and it works fine using this card... when I switch back to nVidia I get the issue back as well... Also, while I'm on nVidia I can't use xrandr to change the resolution through the terminal, but on Intel it works... however setting it manually from System Settings/Display works on both
    • Jesper Juhl
      Jesper Juhl almost 6 years
      Take a look at what tee does.
    • Retired Ninja
      Retired Ninja almost 6 years
      You best bet is to write a small logger that writes to both cout and the file you want to save the output in.
    • Bruno Demantova
      Bruno Demantova almost 6 years
      Since I already have a pretty big code I was looking forward to not having to alter it further, that's why I'm looking at the moment for VS alternatives for this.
    • Stephan Lechner
      Stephan Lechner almost 6 years
      is Boost::IOStreams an option? you could redirect cout then to a custom stream writer (i.e. sink), which writes to both a file and the console.
    • Sam Varshavchik
      Sam Varshavchik almost 6 years
      In the time it'll probably take you to figure out how to do this on Microsoft Windows, you'll probably be able to learn Linux, where this problem was solved about 30 years ago.
  • Admin
    Admin almost 6 years
    Not using VS, which is what the OP was asking about.
  • eneski
    eneski almost 6 years
    I updated my answer, please take a look again @Bruno Demantova, thanks for your warning Neil Bluetterworth
  • Retired Ninja
    Retired Ninja almost 6 years
    This does not work on Windows. You end up with no output to the console as it has been redirected to a file named type in the current working directory. Your new linux instructions are suspect too as normally you would use | not > to pipe the output to tee.
  • eneski
    eneski almost 6 years
    Yes, you are right. I updated my answer but not sure if windows version works because I am not able to test it on windows currently. Thanks @RetiredNinja
  • Bruno Demantova
    Bruno Demantova almost 6 years
    Unfortunately the "> output.txt && type output.txt" line didn't work on Windows. I got the same result as before (just as @RetiredNinja said).
  • πάντα ῥεῖ
    πάντα ῥεῖ almost 6 years
    PowerShell supports tee BTW.