Xcode 9 - no iOS 11 simulator


Solution 1

I seem to be pretty stupid, wasting too much time than necessary.
The new iOS 11 simulators were already included in the new Xcode, (however the won't appear in the settings of Xcode) . You can just open up the simulator (/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app) and choose an iOS 11 device in the Hardware > Device menu bar.

Xcode.app can be Xcode-beta.app too.

Solution 2

In Xcode Version 9.0 beta 5 (9M202q)

In the menu Window > Devices and Simlators

  1. Click on the + button at the bottom left corner
  2. Choose 'Device Type': 'iPhone SE'
  3. Then 'OS Version': 'iOS 11.0' can be choosen

enter image description here

Have fun!

Solution 3

enter image description hereJust go to "File" in the simulation window, move your mouse to "Open device", select your ios , and finally select the type of iPhone or device you want.

Author by


Hi there!

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • MegaCookie
    MegaCookie almost 2 years

    When I open up the new Xcode 9 and go to Preferences > Components I don't see an option to download iOS 11 simulators. I'm 100% sure I have the latest Xcode 9 beta 4 No iOS 11 sims :(

    I did some research and found out that Xcode downloads an index to determine what it is able to download. For me that was: https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/downloads/xcode/simulators/index-9.0.0-CA351AD8-3176-41CB-875C-42A05C7CDEC7.dvtdownloadableindex

    Basically one is able to use it for any Xcode version by determining the DTXcoce:
    defaults read /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Info DTXcode .
    A result like 0900 must be converted to 9.0.0

    And the DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID:
    defaults read /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Info DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID

    Then download: https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/downloads/xcode/simulators/index-<the DTXcode>-<the UUID>.dvtdownloadableindex .

    And lastly in order to be able to open it: plutil -convert xml1 <the downloaded .dvtdownloadableindex file>

    Can someone verify I have the right dvtdownloadableindex? Or provide a url to the right version? Otherwise I hope someone can provide the url for the complete simulator package by downloading and cancelling the simulator while looking in to console.app like in this article

  • Florian Golemo
    Florian Golemo about 4 years
    You couldn't provide a screenshot, could you?
  • Paul Addai
    Paul Addai about 4 years
    I can if you need it
  • abhiarora
    abhiarora about 4 years
    Just providing the link won't be helpful. You can add context in your answer!
  • Florian Golemo
    Florian Golemo about 4 years
    Hey @paul. It's not that I need that. I was recommending it because screenshots improve the quality of your answer if somebody can't find a particular thing. :) Also, you can see above, that the answer with the embedded screenshot got more upvotes. Maybe you can delete your second answer below with the imgur link and instead update this answer by embedding the image. Let me know if you run into any issues.