Adding a new device to a btrfs volume, but the available size is hardly growing


Thanks for your answers. I am computing the answer from the various responses I got here and on the btrfs mailing-list.

  1. My new 500G aren't showing because they cannot be used initially.
  2. I need to balance the data on the three partitions:
btrfs filesystem balance /samples
  1. Using two partitions on the same disk (/dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdc6) is not optimal at all because they will spend time seeking between the two partitions. In that case, a better option is to use 'single', where the partitions are filled one after the other (no striping). With new btrfs tools, this is possible using this command:
btrfs balance start -dconvert=single,soft /samples
  1. On Debian/Ubuntu hosts, the newest btrfs tools which support balance conversion are usually not available in packaged format and need to be compiled from source.

Thanks again for your answers.


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Updated on September 15, 2022


  • user1381
    user1381 almost 2 years

    I have a btrfs volume which already consists of two different devices and which is mounted on /samples. Its total size is 194GB as reported by df.

    $ df -h
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sdc1       194G  165G   20G  90% /samples

    Now, I would like to add another 500GB to that volume, from another device. I did

    $ sudo mkfs.btrfs -m raid0 -d raid0 /dev/sdb
    $ sudo btrfs device add /dev/sdb /samples

    My filesystem now correctly reports:

    $ sudo btrfs filesystem show
    Label: none  uuid: 545e95c6-d347-4a8c-8a49-38b9f9cb9add
        Total devices 3 FS bytes used 161.98GB
        devid    3 size 465.76GB used 0.00 path /dev/sdb
        devid    2 size 93.13GB used 84.51GB path /dev/sdc1
        devid    1 size 100.61GB used 84.53GB path /dev/sdc6

    But I miss some space when I do:

    $ df -h
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sdc1       660G  165G   43G  80% /samples

    I added 500GB! Why haven't I got more available??

    To debug, I ran this command:

    $ sudo btrfs filesystem df /samples
    Data, RAID0: total=162.00GB, used=159.79GB
    Data: total=8.00MB, used=7.48MB
    System, RAID1: total=8.00MB, used=24.00KB
    System: total=4.00MB, used=0.00
    Metadata, RAID1: total=3.50GB, used=2.19GB
    Metadata: total=8.00MB, used=0.00

    My data is in RAID0, that's ok. So where have my 500GB gone, and how can I fix this?


    • user1381
      To my understanding, balance will spread the data evenly on the 3 devices. But my issue here is not really spreading the data, but rather the amount of available size df -h reports. I added 465.76G, but I only see 43G available (though I haven't added any data yet). Where are the 465G gone?
    • konrad.kruczynski
      You can balance the filesystem using btrfs filesystem balance /samples. Btw, there was no reason to issue sudo mkfs.btrfs -m raid0 -d raid0 /dev/sdb on the to-be-added device.