Appending multiple icons to inputs in Vuetify.js


Solution 1

You can use slots append or append-outer, you can add whatever you want in there.

v-text-field label="Answer (optional)">
  <template slot="append">


Solution 2

Those who want to add single icon in textfield

just add append-icon attribute


Those who want to add multiple icons

Add template tag in textfield

<template slot="append">
Author by


Web programmer from Arizona. I fell in love with a Spanish girl and now I live here in Barcelona. I've focused on PHP, but through my experience over the years I've developed a round set of skills in a broad range of web technologies. I enjoy my work in web development, but aside from that I love doing things like sports, hiking, reading, music, the occasional video game, and exploring Europe with my wife.

Updated on June 23, 2022


  • Chris
    Chris almost 2 years

    I know how to use the append-icon property to append an icon at the end of an input like this:

    new Vue({
      el: '#app'
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="[email protected]/dist/vuetify.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/vuetify.min.js"></script>
    <div id="app">
                label="Answer (optional)"
                append-icon="fas fa-times"

    But is there any way to append multiple icons or buttons like you can in Bootstrap?

    I'd like to add a few icons with different actions, but I haven't been able to find a solution so far...

  • Chris
    Chris over 5 years
    Awesome! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the quick answer!
  • Psidom
    Psidom over 5 years
    Just curious. How do you find out that v-text-field has an append slot? When I look at the API here, it seems that it only has a label slot.
  • Traxo
    Traxo over 5 years
    @Psidom I'm somewhat active in community so I know that many slots are not documented because devs are very busy ;)
  • Psidom
    Psidom over 5 years
    Got you. That's what I am guessing too. Honored to see someone from the community to post here :-