blkid can't find lvm's uuid


Actually, you were confused between lvm UUID and block UUID.

The below command will display your lvm UUID, it point to specific item under lvm.

$ lvdisplay Logical-Volume

The below command will display your blcok UUID, it point to specific block device in your system.

$ blkid /dev/YOUR-Virtual-Group/YOUR-Logical-Volume

You should always use block UUID or device file instead of lvm UUID to modify the /etc/fstab record.


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I like the outdoors. Hiking, camping, kayaking, scuba diving, biking, cross country skiing and photography. Basically the outdoors. and engineering and technology.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • D.Zou
    D.Zou over 1 year

    I created two LVM partitions, and can mount/use them. But when I try to mount it with UUID I get a message that says it can't find the UUID.

    sudo lvdisplay
    --- Logical volume ---
    LV Path                /dev/vg00/VolProject
    LV Name                VolProject
    VG Name                vg00
    LV UUID                HUhRED-ZUwG-cutq-fniL-1OOE-cZrd-ofoDZ3
    LV Write Access        read/write
    LV Creation host, time ubuntu, 2017-04-04 18:41:55 -0700
    LV Status              available
    # open                 1
    LV Size                17.00 GiB
    Current LE             4351
    Segments               3
    Allocation             inherit
    Read ahead sectors     auto
    - currently set to     256
    Block device           252:0
    --- Logical volume ---
    LV Path                /dev/vg00/volBackup
    LV Name                volBackup
    VG Name                vg00
    LV UUID                KZ6Y65-L9Qo-ShIz-pQ88-nIyD-P1n5-RGWcrw
    LV Write Access        read/write
    LV Creation host, time ubuntu, 2017-04-04 18:42:42 -0700
    LV Status              available
    # open                 0
    LV Size                6.99 GiB
    Current LE             1790
    Segments               2
    Allocation             inherit
    Read ahead sectors     auto
    - currently set to     256
    Block device           252:1
    ubuntu:/dev/vg00$ cat /etc/fstab
    UUID=56b92ca1-312c-45e6-8f57-8c80762f96b9 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0       1
    UUID=07d0cb84-79a6-47bd-a155-cbfd045cf6ca none swap sw             0       0
    /dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8   0       0
    #/dev/vg00/VolProject /home/davy/mnt auto defaults 0 0
    UUID=HUhRED-ZUwG-cutq-fniL-1OOE-cZrd-ofoDZ3 /home/davy/mnt auto defaults 0 0
    ubuntu:/dev/vg00$ blkid /dev/vg00/VolProject
    ubuntu:/dev/vg00$ blkid /dev/vg00/volBackup

    and when I do the mount -a:

    ubuntu:/dev/vg00$ sudo mount -a
    mount: can't find UUID=HUhRED-ZUwG-cutq-fniL-1OOE-cZrd-ofoDZ3

    why is this happening? If I used the mount via /dev/vg00/VolProject it works, but if I use it's UUID it says that it can't find it. VG is created per instructions here:

    • steeldriver
      steeldriver about 7 years
      You don't mount the LV; you mount the filesystem created on the LV, which has its own UUID: if blkid isn't seeing it make sure you clear the cache sudo blkid -c /dev/null.
    • George Udosen
      George Udosen about 7 years
      Run this sudo blkid /dev/vg00/VolProject it should give you a UUID to mount
    • DerWOK
      DerWOK over 5 years
      neither of the two suggestions work for me. i found the UUID by lookin in fdisk -l for the name of the device and then get the uid with blkid once i had the name as spelled by OS (which is not the one LVM shows)