cannot stop network printers are being automatically added


This is the mega Q&A here in Ask Ubuntu for what you want to do: How do I disable automatic remote printer installation?. Indeed you've already completed many of the steps listed in many of the answers.

There is one answer though with another step to take. With your favourite editor and sudo powers, edit /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf and insert below the [server] section this line:


then restart the avahi-daemon service:

sudo service avahi-daemon stop
sudo service avahi-deamon start

Stop/Start is preferable in some instances as documented in Unix & Linux.

What has changed

The cupsd server is no longer used. So changing the "Browse" settings in the cups server won't work.

PS Please read the entire answer linked above for more information and the comments on 5 second delay posted below it.

PPS you have the exact same printer I have, Brother DCP-7065DN :)


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Hoseung Choi
Author by

Hoseung Choi

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Hoseung Choi
    Hoseung Choi almost 2 years

    I am trying to suppress network printers showing up under Settings/Devices/Printers on my Ubuntu 17.10 (Gnome) desktop. It's my desktop in my office and all the printers in this building appear under Settings/Devices/Printers.

    I have edited /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf as:

    BrowseRemoteProtocols none
    BrowseLocalProtocols none
    BrowseProtocols none

    and restarted the service.

    $ sudo service cups-browsed restart  

    But if I go to settings/Devices/Printers, I still see all the network printers. Same even if I log out and then log in, or restart the system. But it is not that the modification to the cups-browsed.conf file is reset on reboot.

    If I manually remove the printers from the Settings/Devices/Printers list (by clicking the gear button next to the "No Active Jobs" and Remove Printer), they are removed but come back on my next visit to the Printers tab. I think it is not intended that the "remove" operation is effective only while I stay inside the tab.

    If I stop the cups-browsed as:

    $ sudo service cups-browsed stop
    $ sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed

    Settings crashes and on re-opening the Settings/Devices/Printers tab, all the printers are again there.

    For your information, there is only one printer visible in http://localhost:631/printers/ or in some of the printing dialogs. However, for example, the printing dialog in Chrome would show me tens of network printers.

    How can I stop the system searching for network printers everytime I open Settings/Devices/Printers, or a printing dialog in Chrome?

    • Admin
      Admin over 6 years
      Chrome does its own things. It likes discovering printers by itself in an attempt to be helpful. I think the new print system in 17.10 does a similar thing.
    • Admin
      Admin over 6 years
      Maybe this answer (disabling Avahi) is the solution:
    • Admin
      Admin over 6 years
      Some folks have found resolution with this solution.
    • Admin
      Admin over 6 years
      JonasCz's link was helpful. Now I have only one local printer shown on the devices/printers list. Great. However, it takes as long as before to load the one-entry-long list.
  • mniess
    mniess over 6 years
    What are the side-effects? Doesn't this disable avahi completely?
  • WinEunuuchs2Unix
    WinEunuuchs2Unix over 6 years
    @mniess No it doesn't disable avahi completely. The link explains why in more detail.
  • mniess
    mniess over 6 years
    Where does it explain that. I only see people asking the same question over there.
  • WinEunuuchs2Unix
    WinEunuuchs2Unix over 6 years
    @mniess scroll down to the answer with 5 up-votes written by John.
  • mniess
    mniess over 6 years
    I read the whole thing with all answers. There is no explanation whatsoever regarding my question. According to the avahi documentation your proposed option disables avahi dbus functionality completely and not just printer discovery.
  • mniess
    mniess over 6 years
    PPPS: I also have this printer. :-)
  • WinEunuuchs2Unix
    WinEunuuchs2Unix over 6 years
    Wow what a popular printer the three of us have! I'm off to work now. I'll revisit this thread tonight.
  • WinEunuuchs2Unix
    WinEunuuchs2Unix over 6 years
    @mniess There is an argument in Debian between someone quoting the same answer (verbatim) I linked to and someone else taking your side of the argument: This is kind of spooky... Anyway people say it works, it's a quick fix and easy to undo. IMO it's worth trying and if unhappy revert the change.
  • ciampix
    ciampix over 3 years
    The downside is that a few services will have issues like Gajim for example... :-(