clang_complete in Vim


Solution 1

clang_complete can be configured to use the clang executable or the clang library

clang_complete uses the clang executable by default but the clang library will execute lot faster

clang_complete plugin (using the clang executable) needs:

  1. clang must be installed in your system and be in the PATH
  2. do not set (let) g:clang_library_path to a path containing the library

clang_complete plugin (using the clang library) needs:

  1. python installed in your system
  2. vim must be built with python support (do :version and look for a +python/dyn or +python3/dyn entry)
  3. set (let) g:clang_library_path to the directory path where is contained

Solution 2

let g:clang_library_path='/usr/lib/llvm3.5/lib/' in my .vimrc and it works fine.

Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • mishe
    mishe almost 2 years

    So after playing around with omnicpp, gccsense and clang_complete I couldn't get any of them to work. So I apt-get purge vim-* and tried again to install clang_complete, but without success.

    Here's what I do:

    1. Download clang_complete.vmb, move it to my fresh, clean .vim dir and execute vim clang_complete.vmb -c 'so %' -c 'q'.

    2. Paste this into my .vimrc:

      syntax on
      set number
      filetype plugin on
      let g:clang_user_options='|| exit 0'
      let g:clang_complete_auto = 1
      let g:clang_complete_copen = 1
    3. Create a typical example

      #include <iostream>
      #include <string>
      int main() { std:: (I get: User defined pattern not found) }

    Is there anything else I need to do/install to get it working? And silly question I've heard about Clang, do I need to apt-get install it?

  • holygeek
    holygeek almost 12 years
    Thank you for saving me time!
  • kirill_igum
    kirill_igum over 11 years
    where is located? for example on ubuntu
  • kirill_igum
    kirill_igum over 11 years
    ah, found it /usr/lib/
  • weberc2
    weberc2 about 9 years
    clang_complete plugin doesn't seem to work... clang is in my PATH and I'm not setting the clang_library_path, but I get "Loading libclang failed, completion won't be available. Consider setting g:clang _library_path." when using Ubuntu's libclang (version 3.5). My Ubuntu version is 14.10.
  • Abinash Dash
    Abinash Dash over 3 years
    +1 for pointing out the difference between the executable and the library option. May be this is the reason,I was not able to fix this issue in past and jumped to YCM. But this time I tried this and clang_complete is working fine. Thanks.