CTRL-ALT-L not locking screen Ubuntu 15.04 w/ Gnome


Solution 1

You can set the Keyboard Shourtcut for locking the screen and other operation in the keyboard settings: Gnome Control Center > Keyboard > Shortcuts > System

Solution 2

I've the same problem and it's somehow related to the lightdm display manager. I use the following workaround. Right after logging in I open a terminal and run:

/etc/init.d/lightdm restart

This will restart the display manager and also kills the current X session. After logging in again all keyboard shortcuts should work fine.

Solution 3

You could use the GSettings configuration tool.

Open a terminal and fire this command:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys screensaver "<Ctrl><Alt>l"

The default value is <Super>l

Solution 4

I am not sure if you are still having this issue, but the same thing was happening to me and I solved it by switching from lightdm to gdm. Install gdm if you don't already have it, and then sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm. Hope this works for you too!

Solution 5

You can create a custom shortcut in the shortcut menu. The command should be:

gnome-screensaver-command -l

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David Litton
Author by

David Litton

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • David Litton
    David Litton over 1 year

    Title says it all.

    This is a feature I need. It's probably something easy, but googling it just gave me a hodgepodge of unrelated stuff.

  • David Litton
    David Litton about 9 years
    This seems not to be working.
  • David Litton
    David Litton about 9 years
    It's set there, but it does not work. This is very strange.
  • Wilf
    Wilf about 9 years
    Does 'Super'+'L' or another combination work?
  • David Litton
    David Litton about 9 years
    Nope. I am a bit baffled.