How can I update my gnome to gnome 3.18?


Solution 1

Not for 15.04. You need Wily, available since of today, and at least one PPA

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3

To get more bleeding edge versions of the components, additionally

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging

Update the package database and upgrade

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

And if you have problems, start the commands below to go back to the version of the official Ubuntu repositories

sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging

Solution 2

At this moment, you can install Gnome 3.18 on Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 Wily by the PPA ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging

Solution 3

If you want update to Gnome 3.18, you'll need upgrade to Ubuntu 15.10.

On Ubuntu 15.04 you just can update only to Gnome 3.16, the actual version bundled with Ubuntu 15.10.

Follows the step by step valid to update to both versions:


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Chuan Chen
Author by

Chuan Chen

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Chuan Chen
    Chuan Chen over 1 year

    I'm using Gnome 15.04 currently.

    • Admin
      Admin over 8 years
      If you upgrade to it and don't like something then you can always use ppa-purge ppa:gnome3team/gnome3-staging and ppa-purge ppa:gnome3team/gnome3 to revert back to the previous version (install ppa-purge with sudo apt-get install ppa-purge).
    • Wilf
      Wilf over 8 years
  • A.B.
    A.B. over 8 years
    No risk, no fun. Try it. ;)
  • Promille
    Promille over 8 years
    Is this answer complete? Don't you have to sudo apt-get install gnome-something ?
  • Admin
    Admin over 8 years
    @Wildcard: Nope, you shouldn't need to do anything like that. You are upgrading your current packages, not necessarily installing new ones.
  • Admin
    Admin over 8 years
    You also need the ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 PPA.
  • user17254
    user17254 over 8 years
    To be more precise: for 3.18 on Wily, you need both gnome3-team/gnome3 and gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
  • LogicStuff
    LogicStuff almost 8 years
    @A.B. I'd like to go back to Ubuntu 16.04's gnome 3.18 from 3.20, but it spits out this and gnome stays on 3.20 after the second ppa-purge command and a restart. What's wrong?
  • angelcervera
    angelcervera over 6 years
    gnome3-staging arrived to the end of life: Don't use it for Ubuntu 16.04