Does Windows Move command delete the file only on successful completion?


Solution 1

Moving on the same logical disk: Windows simply moves the file-system references atomically. Very fast.

Moving on different logical disks: Windows performs a copy from one disk to the other, then deletes the file from the first disk, once successful.

Solution 2

Yes, it only deletes the file once it's finished copying.

Solution 3

You are correct -- Windows Move deletes only after a successful copy.

Solution 4

You are correct, Windows does copy, then delete. It wouldn't make sense from a filesystem point of view to remove chunks as they are copied when all the final delete needs to do is remove the file header.

If you want to test you could always try to send a large file across the network and yank the cable partway through.


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Updated on September 17, 2022


  • merveotesi
    merveotesi over 1 year

    I will have scanned images with gray toned handwriting on white background.

    What is the elegant way of selecting, and getting pixels of gray level(non-white) contigous areas?

    Which image processing library should i use?

    So far i research for a class and method in Leptonica, but found method names like: seedfill, i do not want to fill the area i want to get pixel coordinates that make the contigous area.

    So can you also share class name with library name?

    Thanks for reading and possible response.

    • surfasb
      surfasb over 13 years
      Yes, this isn't the same as the Leopard bug.
    • merveotesi
      merveotesi over 12 years
      I am using C++, but i think i can use Java through JNI, but i do not know if it is expensive about time or memory
    • merveotesi
      merveotesi over 12 years
      Thanks for the reply, i am going to try opencv but i must use JNI for a different job, is it really a performance problem?
    • Dario Seidl
      Dario Seidl over 12 years
      It is not necessarily a performance problem but it has a more or less noticable cost. It depends on what you do whit it (number of method calls, number and type of parameters). It's just that when you can use a C++ library, I would go with that.
    • merveotesi
      merveotesi over 12 years
      ok, thanks, i do not have another choice for that different job, thus i am going to use JNI for it. Thanks
  • Dario Seidl
    Dario Seidl over 12 years
    If you care about performance it will be better to stick with C++. Using JNI is definitely an overhead.
  • merveotesi
    merveotesi over 12 years
    One more and last question, what is the best way to get the pixels in the contour, because if i understand right findContours returns frame of the contiguous area.
  • Dario Seidl
    Dario Seidl over 12 years
    Yes, it will return the frames of contiguous areas. drawContours or fillPoly could help.