Failed prop type: Invalid prop 'value' of type 'object' supplied to 'TextInput' React Native


Solution 1

change your onSubmitEditing to

onSubmitEditing={(event) => this.textHandler( event.nativeEvent.text )}

Its a function, and you haven't passed value to it. If you want to pass you can get it from event

But you have used onChangeText which will update inputText so you just need to check value exists or not.

Solution 2

I have faced the same issue. It normally occurs Invalid or wrong props types of the components or elements.

My case I have put in <TextInput onChangeText={}/> instead of <TextInput onChange={}/>. So I have faced the problem. Please check your props type first right or wrong. It's working for me.

Author by


Updated on June 12, 2022


  • Michael
    Michael about 2 years

    I have the following TextInput Component:

    <TextInput value={this.state.inputText}
      onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({inputText: text})} />

    When I change the input to '' and submit it (in the TextInput) I have the following error: "Failed prop type: Invalid prop 'value' of type 'object' supplied to 'TextInput'"

    I tried deleting each callback and apparently, the error is throwed because of the 'onSubmitEditing'.

    textHandler = (text) => {
      if(text == '' || text == '-' ){
        text = '0';
      this.setState({inputText: text});

    How can I make the callback to be called only where text is a string and not an object?