TextInput with value doesn't change value


Solution 1

Since I don't think email is the only prop of your state.info I recommend you to use setState() properly, in order to modify just that field. According to immutability and ES6, something like:

  onChangeText={text =>
    this.setState(state => ({
      info: {
        email: text

Read more about handling TextInput here

Solution 2

I was having the same issue until I changed the value prop to defaultValue like this:

   onChangeText={title => this.setState({ title })}

I found this info on React's documentation here

Solution 3

I am also having the same issue until I changed the value prop to defaultValue like this:

   onChangeText={title => this.setState({ title })}

value={this.state.title} - instead of this

defaultValue={this.state.title} - use this one

Thats all. Enjoy your coding...

Solution 4

first you need to declare the state and then apply that state to TextInput Value.

state: {
     email: ''

and to populate TextInput for first time with the API value you have to add

  this.setState({email: this.props.info.email});

and your TextInput will be like below:

   placeholder= Email
   onChangeText={value=> this.setState({ email: value})}/>

Hope this works..

Mary Jane
Author by

Mary Jane

Updated on August 15, 2022


  • Mary Jane
    Mary Jane almost 2 years

    In my react-native app i have an API that I'm retrieving data from, and I'm setting the data inside my input values, user should be able to edit those inputs and update, but when i try to type in the input it won't type anything and the value stays as it is, here is the TextInput code:

       placeholder= Email
       onChangeText={email => this.setState({ email })}/>
  • Mikhail Sidorov
    Mikhail Sidorov over 5 years
    onChangeText={value=> this.setState({ email: value})} here you will get incorrect value because event object is passed to the handler function. The correct code is event => this.setState({email: event.target.value})
  • Alen.Toma
    Alen.Toma over 2 years
    Saved me alot of work thx