Flutter: use 2 classes when using StateMixin in getx controller


Yes you can! And as you guessed it, by inheritance.

At first create a generic State class containing the types you want:

class MyState<T1, T2> { // you can use more like T3, T4...
      T1? state1;
      T2? state2;

      MyState({this.state1, this.state2});

Then create a base controller of your own:

abstract class BaseController<T1, T2> extends GetxController with StateMixin<MyState<T1, T2>> {


Then extend this base controller:

class HomeController extends BaseController<int, String> {
      void onInit() {

         change(null, status: RxStatus.loading());

         Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3), () {
            change(MyState(state1:1,state2: "state2"), status:RxStatus.success());

Then on your widget:

      (state) => Text("${state?.state1} - ${state?.state2}"),
Cyrus the Great
Author by

Cyrus the Great

Updated on January 04, 2023


  • Cyrus the Great
    Cyrus the Great over 1 year

    I am using getx as a statemanagement on my project. I created a controller and I am using StateMixin on my controller.

    class HomeController extends GetxController
        with StateMixin<MyModel, List<MyCompleteModel>> {

    As you can see I want to use 2 classes by StateMixin. But it's constructor just accepts one class. Except create a new class that contains both of these classes, Is there any way to fix this problem?