How can I read and increment a number (in this case order number) from firebase using flutter?


Can this help you ? For read : use final order = _ref.child('Orders/{$id}').get();

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Updated on January 04, 2023


  • Stamp777
    Stamp777 over 1 year

    I am using some of the following code to add an order to the Firebase Realtime Database using Flutter (Dart language) and this part is working.

        DatabaseReference _ref = FirebaseDatabase.instance.ref();
        final order = _ref.child('Orders');
            'orderNum': orderNum,
            'totalAmount': totalAmount,
            'dateTime': timeStamp.toString(),
            'cartProduct': cartProducts
                .map((cp) => {
                      'quantity': cp.quantity,
                      'price': cp.price

    I am then reading and attempting to alter the order number and incrementing it by one using the following

     String lastOrderNum = "";
      int intOrderNum = 0;
      String newOrderNum = "2";
      final DateTime dateee =;
      DatabaseReference _readRef = FirebaseDatabase.instance.ref();
      void initState() {
      void _activateListeners() {
        final readOrder = _readRef.child('Orders/orderNum').onValue.listen((event) {
          final orderNum = event.snapshot.value;
          setState(() {
            lastOrderNum = orderNum.toString();
            intOrderNum = int.parse(lastOrderNum) + 1;
            newOrderNum = intOrderNum.toString();

    I think the issue is with my child path which is (Orders/orderNum) which is missing a step in the path which is where the auto generated unique ID goes which come from the use of ".push()"


    If I remove '.push()' and use my current path then the number auto increments but the previous order is overwritten.

    The database entries look are as follows with order numbers being hardcoded:

                  *dateTime:"2022-06-02 15:41:20.470139"
                  *dateTime:"2022-06-02 15:41:20.470139"

    How do I include the auto ID (example -N3ZdgEQIzsjLA5NCu3U) as part of my path , (Orders/???/orderNum)?

  • Stamp777
    Stamp777 almost 2 years
    Adding {$id} to the path so it looks like ('Orders/{$id}/orderNum)' returns an error saying I need to change "id" to a name that is defined but I do not know what name is defined since I didn't define it. Is there another way to refer to this id?
  • mollusk
    mollusk almost 2 years
    I don't understand what you want to do. To modify a value of a command on any SQL server: You must retrieve the command you want (with the autoincremented id). Then modify the value of your ordernum. DatabaseReference ref = FirebaseDatabase.instance.ref("Orders/N3ZdgEQIzsjLA5NCu3U"); await ref.set({"orderNum": 10,});
  • Stamp777
    Stamp777 almost 2 years
    I am struggling to actually get the most recent autoincremented ID in order to do that. I am now trying to fetch key of the last order made but I still cannot get the key value (let say its "N3ZdgEQIzsjLA5NCu3U") that I can then use to get the order number.
  • mollusk
    mollusk almost 2 years
    For last order you can use Query lastchield = FirebaseDatabase.child("Orders") .orderByKey().limitToLast(1);