How do I split a String of nine characteres with a regular expression in Dart?


as an option you can use regexp negative lookahead

  String _formatReferenceCode(String code) {
    final Pattern pattern = RegExp(r'(.{3})(?!$)');
    return code.replaceAllMapped(pattern, (m) => '${m[0]}-');
Pedro Massango
Author by

Pedro Massango

Associate Android Developer | Kotlin | Dart | Android Studio | Flutter | Youtuber | Content Writer

Updated on December 12, 2022


  • Pedro Massango
    Pedro Massango over 1 year

    I have a String called pin with a value like: 123456789 and I need to do the following:

    What I have:

    String pin = "123456789";

    What I want after the operation:

    String result = "123-456-789";

    what I'm doing right now:

      String _formatReferenceCode(String code){
        final list = code.split("");
        String part1 = list.sublist(0, 3).join();
        String part2 = list.sublist(3, 6).join();
        String part3 = list.sublist(6, 9).join();
        return "$part1-$part2-$part3";
    String result = _formatReferenceCode(referenceCode);
    // it prints: "123-456-789"

    My current code works, but I want to know if there is a better way to do this. Thank you in advanced.

  • BambinoUA
    BambinoUA almost 5 years
    As for me this regexp does not match the last 3 digits.
  • BambinoUA
    BambinoUA almost 5 years
    Ok. I just tested the regular expression here and I saw unexpected results.
  • Pedro Massango
    Pedro Massango almost 5 years
    This one seems the best option. Thank you @Eugene.