How to monitor the Pacemaker cluster using a script?


Instead of trying to modify the Dummy RA to execute arbitrary scripts, you could instead look at using the anything resource-agent.

# pcs resource describe ocf:heartbeat:anything
ocf:heartbeat:anything - Manages an arbitrary service

This is a generic OCF RA to manage almost anything.

Resource options:
  binfile (required): The full name of the binary to be executed.
                      This is expected to keep running with the
                      same pid and not just do something and
  cmdline_options: Command line options to pass to the binary
  workdir: The path from where the binfile will be executed.
  pidfile: File to read/write the PID from/to.
  logfile: File to write STDOUT to
  errlogfile: File to write STDERR to
  user: User to run the command as
  monitor_hook: Command to run in monitor operation
  stop_timeout: In the stop operation: Seconds to wait for kill
                -TERM to succeed before sending kill -SIGKILL.
                Defaults to 2/3 of the stop operation timeout.

You would point the anything agent at your script as the binfile= parameter, then, if you have some way of monitoring your custom application other than checking for a running pid (that's what the anything agent does by default), you can define that in the monitor_hook parameter.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Vinod
    Vinod almost 2 years

    I have created a two node cluster (both nodes RHEL 7) using pacemaker. It is used to run a custom application. I have created below resources and assigned it to the cluster:

    1. A shared storage for application data
    2. A virtual IP

    It works perfectly fine.

    Now, we have a requirement. Currently the failover happens only if something goes wrong with the entire server. Pacemaker is unaware of the status of the application running on the active node and completely ignores it. We have a shell script that is able to run a health check on the application and returns true/false values based on the health of the application.
    Can anyone please suggest me how to configure pacemaker to use this shell script to regularly check status of the application on the active node of the cluster and initiate failover if script returns a false value.

    I have seen examples, in webserver clusters people create a sample html page and use this ( as a resource with pacemaker to check the health of apache webserver in active node.

    Please guide me how to achieve similar result using a shell script.


    Here is my configuration:

    [root@node1 ~]# pcs status
    Cluster name: webspheremq
    Stack: corosync
    Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.15-11.el7-e174ec8) - partition with quorum
    Last updated: Wed Jun 14 20:38:48 2017          Last change: Tue Jun 13 20:04:58 2017 by root via crm_attribute on svdg-stg29
    2 nodes and 3 resources configured: 2 resources DISABLED and 0 BLOCKED from being started due to failures
    Online: [ node1 node2 ]
    Full list of resources:
     Resource Group: websphere
         websphere_fs       (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started node1
         websphere_vip      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started node1
         FailOverScript     (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started node1
    Daemon Status:
      corosync: active/enabled
      pacemaker: active/enabled
      pcsd: active/enabled

    To start and stop the application, I have two shell scripts. During failover, I would need to run in the node from which resources will be moved and to run in the node to which cluster is failing over.

    I did little experiment and found that people are using dummy resource to achieve this kind of requirements (to execute scripts during failover).

    So here is what I have done so far:

    I created a dummy resource (FailOverScript) for testing application start/stop scripts like below:

    [root@node1 tmp]# pcs status resources
     Resource Group: websphere
         websphere_fs       (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started node1
         websphere_vip      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started node1
         **FailOverScript     (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started node1**

    As of now, I included test scripts under start and stop actions of the resource FailOverScript. It should execute scripts and respectively when this dummy resource starts and stops.

    [root@node1 heartbeat]# pwd
    [root@node1  heartbeat]#
    [root@node1  heartbeat]# grep -A5 "start()" FailOverScript
    FailOverScript_start() {
        if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
            return $OCF_SUCCESS
    [root@node1  heartbeat]#
    [root@node1  heartbeat]#
    [root@node1  heartbeat]# grep -A5 "stop()" FailOverScript
    FailOverScript_stop() {
        if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
            rm ${OCF_RESKEY_state}

    But when this dummy resource is started/stopped (through manual failover), the script does not execute. Tried different things but I am still unable to figure out the reason for this. Need some help to find the reason for the scripts not to execute automatically during failover.

    • Matt Kereczman
      Matt Kereczman about 7 years
      Can you share your configuration?
    • Matt Kereczman
      Matt Kereczman about 7 years
      ... and how you're starting your application? Ideally, you would configure your application in Pacemaker, which would allow Pacemaker to monitor the application AND the node.
    • Vinod
      Vinod about 7 years
      @MattKereczman I have added configuration details as update.
    • Matt Kereczman
      Matt Kereczman about 7 years
      That's just the view of the running resources, I want to see how they're configured: # pcs cluster cib > /tmp/cib.xml
    • Vinod
      Vinod about 7 years
      Please find the requested file here:
    • Matt Kereczman
      Matt Kereczman about 7 years
      pasted here as well, I'll look in a little bit:
    • Centimane
      Centimane over 6 years
      @Vinod You added the stubs for the start and stop functions of your FailOverScript, but what about the monitor function? It sounds like you want your monitor function to call the script that will give you status.
  • Vinod
    Vinod about 7 years
    Thanks @Matt Kereczman . Sorry, I could not work on this till now. Will check this and update the outcome. Before that one query please. It looks like anything RA is missing in my setup. This is what I found in Redhat site link .
  • Matt Kereczman
    Matt Kereczman about 7 years
    I wasn't aware they did that. I agree it's better to write a proper RA, but I'm not sure if I agree that using the 'systemd' unit file is any better or worse than the anything agent. The implied assumption that anyone can sit down and write an RA is a little far fetched; to be fair RHEL is geared towards enterprise, so for their audience, that likely isn't an issue. However, if you're still interested in the agent, you can get it from upstream:‌​/…