How to pass access token value in flutter


try to define global variables if u want that in entire app but it will get lost once the user close the app.

the best way is to store that token value in database like shared_preferences or 'hive` . Here is the doc of and resp

SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
await prefs.setString('token', tokenvalue);

for getting bool value

bool counter = prefs.getString('token');
Author by


Updated on December 25, 2022


  • blackbird
    blackbird over 1 year

    I have this codes to get access token which should pass from signin screen -> navscreen -> homescreen-> griddashboard->forms ->add new post and send the post request to server with the token

    Here is how I get the token

     Future<dynamic> handleGetTokenSilently() async {
        String authority = "$TENANT_ID";
        final  result = await msal.acquireTokenSilent([SCOPE], authority);
        if(result !=null){
          print('access token (truncated): ${result.accessToken}');
          return result; //passing the result
          print('no access token');
          return null;

    and then passing it to the Navscreen

    refreshSignedInStatus() async {
        bool loggedIn = await msal.getSignedIn();
        if (loggedIn) {
          isSignedIn = loggedIn;
          if(isSignedIn) {
            dynamic data = await handleGetAccount();
            dynamic token = await handleGetTokenSilently();
            dynamic currentAccount = data;
            dynamic result = token; <--- getting the token
                builder: (context) => NavScreen(
                  currentAccount : currentAccount, // <--- Passing required named parameter "currentAccount" in NavScreen widget.
                  result: result, <-- Passing required named parameter "result" in NavScreen widget
          // Remaining code for navigation

    then pass it to home screen

    class NavScreen extends StatefulWidget {
      const NavScreen({Key key, @required this.currentAccount, @required this.result}) : super(key: key);
      _NavScreenState createState() => _NavScreenState();
      final dynamic currentAccount;
      final dynamic result;
    class _NavScreenState extends State<NavScreen> {
      final List<Widget> _screens = [];
      void initState() {
        _screens.add(Home(currentAccount: widget.currentAccount));
        _screens.add(Home(result: widget.result));

    then on the homescreen I have a gridview that has options to go to different pages.

    how the gridview is called

              height: 20,

    and then on the Griddashboard

         class _GridDashboardState extends State<GridDashboard> {
      Items home = new Items(screen: Home());
      Items update = new Items(screen: CameraExampleHome());
      Items bluetooth = new Items(screen: BluetoothApp());
      Items forms = new Items(screen: FormsDashboard());
      Items supervisor = new Items(screen: Home());
      Items messages = new Items(screen: Home());
      Items settings = new Items(screen: Settings());
      Items check = new Items(screen: Home());
      Items logout = new Items(screen: AudioRecorder());

    how can I pass the token from the homescreen to the Griddashboard to FormsDashboard() and to post values to the server with the token?