Network GUI Tools in 11.10+ (Whois, DNS Checker, Trace Route, etc...)


The package is called gnome-nettool and can (if not already) be installed via the terminal or the Ubuntu Software Center.

Look for it on the Unity dash

enter image description here

Hope this is the one your looking for

enter image description here

Luis Alvarado
Author by

Luis Alvarado

System Engineer Social Engineer Master in Pedagogy Master in Open Source CCNA Certified Linux Foundation Certified Former Askubuntu Moderator Stack Careers | Linkedin | Launchpad | Ubuntu Wiki - Random SE Stuff - Latin American Members | JC Race Award | Human Robot Award 74

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Luis Alvarado
    Luis Alvarado almost 2 years

    In older versions of Ubuntu there was this "Network Gui" program that had a whois option, Tracing, pinging and all the terminal commands for network but in GUI. If I can recall, I think it was before Unity came to play, maybe before 11.04. How can I, using 11.10 with Unity (Do not want to use Gnome2 or Gnome3, just Unity), get to this Network swiss army program or what package installs this program.

    • LnxSlck
      LnxSlck over 12 years
      Do you mean Network Administration Tool ?
    • Luis Alvarado
      Luis Alvarado over 12 years
      Sorry LnxSlck I do not remember the actual name but I know it was a program that had several network options.
  • Luis Alvarado
    Luis Alvarado over 12 years
    OMG yeah It was that one. I can't believe I didn't type network in Dash. I was typing whois and stuff like that. I may be ill in the head.