Un-cluster storage added to Windows Failover Cluster Manager


I did exactly what you did - I was adding a new node to an SQL 2014 AlwaysOn cluster and I forgot to uncheck the "Add Storage" button at the end of the wizard.

To get the storage back, and your cluster online:

  1. Remove all the disks "Cluster Shared Volumes" (Right-click, Remove from Cluster Shared Volumes)
  2. Remove all the disks from the cluster completent (Right-click, Remove, "Yes")
  3. Wait for a few minutes for each node in the cluster to remove its disks from being "in the cluster"
  4. On each node in the cluster, put each disk that is now offline, back online (this can be a slow and annoying process when doing this to remote servers on the far end of a slow WAN. Hope you don't have too many).
  5. Start the SQL Server service on all the affected nodes (don't forget the SQL Server Agent service as well)

For bonus points

  1. Pray this wasn't a production cluster
  2. Smack yourself repeatedly so you remember to always uncheck the button to add cluster storage in the cluster wizard

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • thatBehavior
    thatBehavior over 1 year

    I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I see whitespace (sometimes) when looking at the responsive side of things in the chrome browser. I said sometimes because my website manages to fix itself when I refresh. This problem only happens when working with responsive side.The image is how it looks like to me.

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    • s.kuznetsov
      s.kuznetsov about 3 years
      Welcome. Tell us more about your problem, pls. Nothing is clear from your description.
  • joeqwerty
    joeqwerty over 9 years
    How is the server connected to the disk? Direct, iSCSI, Fiber Channel?
  • LowlyDBA - John M
    LowlyDBA - John M over 9 years
    connected via iSCSI
  • LowlyDBA - John M
    LowlyDBA - John M over 9 years
    If it's still in the cluster, online, and assigned to Cluster Shared Volume, I can see them in DM. If I evict the node and remove them from the cluster, then they are offline in DM but visible with all right-click options grayed out.
  • joeqwerty
    joeqwerty over 9 years
    Are you evicting the node first or are you removing the disk from the Cluster Shared Volumes first?
  • LowlyDBA - John M
    LowlyDBA - John M over 9 years
    I've tried both