pipe stdout and stderr to two different processes in shell script?


Solution 1

Use another file descriptor

{ command1 2>&3 | command2; } 3>&1 1>&2 | command3

You can use up to 7 other file descriptors: from 3 to 9.
If you want more explanation, please ask, I can explain ;-)


{ { echo a; echo >&2 b; } 2>&3 | sed >&2 's/$/1/'; } 3>&1 1>&2 | sed 's/$/2/'




Produce two log files:
1. stderr only
2. stderr and stdout

{ { { command 2>&1 1>&3; } | tee err-only.log; } 3>&1; } > err-and-stdout.log

If command is echo "stdout"; echo "stderr" >&2 then we can test it like that:

$ { { { echo out>&3;echo err>&1;}| tee err-only.log;} 3>&1;} > err-and-stdout.log
$ head err-only.log err-and-stdout.log
==> err-only.log <==

==> err-and-stdout.log <==

Solution 2

The accepted answer results in the reversing of stdout and stderr. Here's a method that preserves them (since Googling on that purpose brings up this post):

{ command 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | stderr_command; } 3>&1 1>&2 | stdout_command


  • 3>&- is required to prevent fd 3 from being inherited by command. (As this can lead to unexpected results depending on what command does inside.)

Parts explained:

  1. Outer part first:

    1. 3>&1 -- fd 3 for { ... } is set to what fd 1 was (i.e. stdout)
    2. 1>&2 -- fd 1 for { ... } is set to what fd 2 was (i.e. stderr)
    3. | stdout_command -- fd 1 (was stdout) is piped through stdout_command
  2. Inner part inherits file descriptors from the outer part:

    1. 2>&1 -- fd 2 for command is set to what fd 1 was (i.e. stderr as per outer part)
    2. 1>&3 -- fd 1 for command is set to what fd 3 was (i.e. stdout as per outer part)
    3. 3>&- -- fd 3 for command is set to nothing (i.e. closed)
    4. | stderr_command -- fd 1 (was stderr) is piped through stderr_command


foo() {
    echo a
    echo b >&2
    echo c
    echo d >&2

{ foo 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | sed -u 's/^/err: /'; } 3>&1 1>&2 | sed -u 's/^/out: /'


out: a
err: b
err: d
out: c

(Order of a -> c and b -> d will always be indeterminate because there's no form of synchronization between stderr_command and stdout_command.)

Solution 3

Using process substitution:

command1 > >(command2) 2> >(command3)

See http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/process-sub.html for more info.

Solution 4

Simply redirect stderr to stdout

{ command1 | command2; } 2>&1 | command3

Caution: commnd3 will also read command2 stdout (if any).
To avoid that, you can discard commnd2 stdout:

{ command1 | command2 >/dev/null; } 2>&1 | command3

However, to keep command2 stdout (e.g. in the terminal),
then please refer to my other answer more complex.


{ { echo -e "a\nb\nc" >&2; echo "----"; } | sed 's/$/1/'; } 2>&1 | sed 's/$/2/'



Solution 5

Pipe stdout as usual, but use Bash process substitution for the stderr redirection:

some_command 2> >(command of stderr) | command of stdout

Header: #!/bin/bash


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Excellent relational skills, both face to face and with a broader audience. Back-end developer loving Python, Go, C++, Linux, Ansible, Docker, Bar-metal hosting, InfluxDB. Experiences in stock market place, bank &amp; finance, crypto-currencies, blockchain and open finance. Practitioner of self-governance: trusting &amp; empowering my colleagues, and providing both alignment and autonomy. Good writing skills. Past hobbies: Organized C++ Meetups in Paris and on worldwide C++FRUG community Member of my city Greeter association and Hospitality Club too. Created website LittleMap.org to create/share libre maps for impair people. Wrote one piece of the NFC standards (at MasterCard) Developed an early Linux mobile, before Android release. Developed games on my old VG5000µ and CPC6128 computers.

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • oHo
    oHo almost 2 years

    I've a pipline doing just

     command1 | command2

    So, stdout of command1 goes to command2 , while stderr of command1 go to the terminal (or wherever stdout of the shell is).

    How can I pipe stderr of command1 to a third process (command3) while stdout is still going to command2 ?

  • FatalError
    FatalError over 12 years
    Whoops, good call. I intially thought the OP wanted stderr to go only to command 3. This looks like the right way to go.
  • FatalError
    FatalError over 12 years
    Looks like the OP wanted both stdout and stderr to go to command2, which I initially missed. The above separates the two and send each separately to a command. I'll leave it though, as it might be useful to somebody.
  • Admin
    Admin over 12 years
    No, I do not want both stdout and stderr to go to command2. stdout of command1 to command2, stderr of command1 to command3. command2 should not get stderr of command1
  • Admin
    Admin over 12 years
    Wouldn't { command1 | command2 >/dev/null 2>&1 } 2>&1 | command3 prevent stdout/stderr of command2 to reach command3 , or would that also mess with stderr of command1 ?
  • oHo
    oHo over 12 years
    Hi @user964970. The /dev/null redirection is a good idea. As you said, your example above mess stderr and stdout because they are inverted in the same step. I would prefer { command1 | command2 >/dev/null; } 2>&1 | command3. I edit my answer to use your brilliant contribution. Thanks ;-)
  • Isaac Betesh
    Isaac Betesh almost 11 years
    How do you add a file descriptor? echo out >&3 outputs "-bash: 3: Bad file descriptor"
  • Isaac Betesh
    Isaac Betesh almost 11 years
  • Rahul Kadukar
    Rahul Kadukar about 8 years
    This thing works, I verified it but I am not able to understand how it works. In the outer part, Point 3 stdout_command isn't fd1 now pointing to stderr, how is stdout going there instead of stderr.
  • Rahul Kadukar
    Rahul Kadukar about 8 years
    Infact this also worked (command 2>&1 | stderr_command; ) 1>&2 | stdout_command
  • jxy
    jxy over 7 years
    antak's answer below is more complete. It still maintains the original separation between stdout and stderr as the command does without all the pipes. Note that with pipes, command is run in a subprocess. If you don't want that, for you may want the command to modify global variables, you would need to create fifo and use redirections instead.
  • josch
    josch over 5 years
    Note: this is not POSIX but a bashism.
  • antak
    antak almost 5 years
    @RahulKadukar That puts both stdout and stderr of command through stderr_command and nothing goes through stdout_command.
  • jwd
    jwd almost 5 years
    I enjoyed unraveling this, thank you (: Note: you could make it a little shorter by having the innermost redirects be merely 2>&3 3>&-. This does, however, mean you need to handle stdout on the inside of the curlies and stderr on the outside (so, swap stdin_command and stdout_command in your example).
  • antak
    antak almost 5 years
    @jwd Thanks for the comment. :) Problem with that approach is stdout and stderr of the entire command line comes out reversed. I tested it by adding >/dev/null on the end of the command line and seeing if only a and c were filtered out.
  • jwd
    jwd almost 5 years
    Oh good point. And I guess there's no easy way to get around that since the outermost pipe will write to the shell's stdout regardless of redirects (unless we added more curlies). No golf points for me (:
  • jbyler
    jbyler over 4 years
    This is great, thanks @antak! But I found that while it works great in bash, it doesn't work as-is in zsh due to multios. I posted a tweaked version for zsh as another answer.
  • Mark G.
    Mark G. over 4 years
    My quick’n’dirty go-to for stuff like this (particularly when I’m just typing — and thinking — left-to-right at an interactive shell) has usually been something along the lines of { cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- | tee err.log; } 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- | tee out.log (swap out/err, process err; swap again, process out…) but the succinctity of this is quite appealing, and I suspect it’s more efficient to boot, since it allows the subshell to inherit the temporary file descriptor (as subprocesses were designed to do) instead of taking pains to recreate it unnecessarily… I may have to start using this. :)
  • DeusXMachina
    DeusXMachina about 4 years
    This worked in zsh for me, except stderr and stdout commands were flipped for me. Both bash and zsh. It looks like to me you are redirecting stdout to 3, then routing 3 back to stdout, so the last statement should be to stdout. I have no idea.
  • Kevin Keane
    Kevin Keane about 4 years
    One problem with this answer is that the { } creates a subshell, which in some situations is not acceptabe. For instance, you cannot pass variables back out of the {}.
  • Andrevinsky
    Andrevinsky over 2 years
    Thanks, @oHo. BTW, is there a way to preserve the command's exit code, esp. given the tee eats it up. I.e. a next command rc=$? saves 0 to rc.
  • goji
    goji over 2 years
    It's also so much nicer than the POSIX solutions.