What are the functions of the multimedia keys?

  • F9 - Display Switch
  • F11 - Horizontal Display
  • F12 - Vertical Display Orientation

Depending on your driver and screen config these keys work... or not. I have the same keyboard and they don't work under win8.1.


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Jens Mühlenhoff
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Jens Mühlenhoff

Software developer: Delphi SQL (various dialects) Haskell Vala (for Linux development) C++ (modern C++ rocks) C (if it can not be avoided ...) x86 assembly At work we mostly develop Windows solutions (with an emphasis on database independency). I'm using Gentoo and Debian GNU/Linux at home and have extensive Linux knowledge. I also like to play with Debian GNU/Hurd from time to time :). Please vote at this Feedback page: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/908035-sql-server/suggestions/32892454-need-a-way-to-set-the-default-encoding-for-query-f

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jens Mühlenhoff
    Jens Mühlenhoff almost 2 years

    I got a Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop, but sadly the product manual does not explain the multimedia keys.

    Picture of F5-F8

    Picture of F9-F12

    Some of them are easy to figure out:

    • F1 - Play / Pause
    • F2 - Mute audio
    • F3 - Volume down
    • F4 - Volume up
    • F5 - Search
    • F6 - Share
    • F7 - Devices
    • F8 - Settings
    • F9 - ?
    • F10 - Flip3D
    • F11 - ?
    • F12 - ?

    I am using Windows 7, so F5 through F12 do not have any function (except for F10 which invokes Flip3D).

    So what do F9 through F12 do on Windows 8?

    PS: I have figured out how to program these keys, see my question - What are the virtual key codes for the Windows 8 specific multimedia keys? - from Stack Overflow.

    • arielnmz
      arielnmz about 10 years
      Could you please add a close up picture of the keys? I am unable to see them from my device, they're too small.
  • Jens Mühlenhoff
    Jens Mühlenhoff about 10 years
    Is this documented somewhere or did you find out by trial and error?
  • Dave
    Dave about 10 years
    I went through the online documentation and couldn't find it!