Windows swap keyboard mapping of @ (at) symbol and " (quote)


You can manage keyboard layouts through the Control Panel.

Clock, Language, and Region -> Change keyboard or other input methods

Keyboard language dialog


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Matthew Dresser
Author by

Matthew Dresser

Sitecore Technology MVP 2019 Sitecore Technology MVP 2018 Sitecore Technical MVP 2017 Sitecore Technical MVP 2016 I develop websites using Sitecore, ASP.NET MVC (and WebForms). I also use CSS, jQuery and other JavaScript frameworks.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Matthew Dresser
    Matthew Dresser almost 2 years

    I've recently moved to France from the UK and have a UK QWERTY keyboard, but certain symbols have been swapped such as the at symbol and the double quote. I'm using Windows 7 French version, with the language changed to EN-GB in the system tray.

    Is there an easy way to change the keyboard mapping to the UK standard?

  • Matthew Dresser
    Matthew Dresser over 12 years
    Thanks! That did the trick - took me a while to find that, as everything in windows is in French... ;-)