Working with maps in Typescript


Solution 1

You can change it to a Map in Payment as well:

public invoices: Map<string, number>;

And then you can simply assign the map that you have.
Or you can iterate over the map entries and turn them into an object like you have in Payment:

let m = new Map<string, number>();

let m2 = {} as { [key: string]: number };
m.forEach((value, key) => m2[key] = value);

Solution 2

If you are gonna use String as keys there is no reason to use a hashmap, every object in javascript, as well as typescript, is a simple map. The only reason you would need to use the Map class is if you need something other than a String as a key.

Please take a look at this question -> How is a JavaScript hash map implemented?

Author by


Software Developer from London, UK

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Limpep
    Limpep almost 2 years

    I am having a bit of trouble working with maps int Typescript. What I am trying to do is to use a HashMap smilier to that found in Java for example here is my Java object,

    public class Payment {
        private String id;
        private DateTime created;
        //when they actually received the payment
        private DateTime paidDate;
        private String customerId;
        private String companyId;
        private BigDecimal amount;
        private BigDecimal allocated;
        private String description;
        // it must be the Id of PaymentMethod
        private String type;
        //to improve it
        private String currency;
        private Boolean fullPaid = false;
        private Boolean lockArchive = false;
        //<InvoiceId, Amount>
        private HashMap<String, BigDecimal> invoices = new HashMap<>();
        //getter and setters....

    So what I have done in Typescript it to create a similar class for example,

    export class Payment {
      public id?:string;
      public created?:string;
      public paid_date?:Date;
      public customer_id?:string;
      public company_id?:string;
      public amount?:number;
      public allocated?:number;
      public description?:string;
      public type?:string;
      public currency?:string;
      public full_paid?:boolean;
      public lock_archive?:boolean;
      public invoices:  {[invoice_id:string]:number};
      constructor(id: string, created: string, paid_date: Date, customer_id: string, company_id: string, amount: number, allocated: number, description: string, type: string, currency: string, full_paid: boolean, lock_archive: boolean, invoices: { [p: string]: number }) { = id;
        this.created = created;
        this.paid_date = paid_date;
        this.customer_id = customer_id;
        this.company_id = company_id;
        this.amount = amount;
        this.allocated = allocated;
        this.description = description;
        this.type = type;
        this.currency = currency;
        this.full_paid = full_paid;
        this.lock_archive = lock_archive;
        this.invoices = invoices;

    I am trying to to basically add to the the invoices map so I have the following function,

      public invoicesMap = new Map<string, number>();
      constructor(public dialogRef: MdDialogRef<PaymentInvoiceSelectDialogComponent>,
                  private customerService:CustomerService,
                  private paymentServices: PaymentsService) {
      ngOnInit() {
          this.customer_name = res.customer_name
        }, error=>{
          .subscribe( (res) =>{
           this.invoices = res;
          error => {
      selectedInvoice(invoiceId: string, amount: number, event:any) {
            for(let [key, value] of this.invoicesMap) {
              if (key !== invoiceId) {
                this.invoicesMap.set(invoiceId, amount);
                for(let [key, vvalue] of this.invoicesMap) {
                  if (key === invoiceId) {
                    this.availableAllocation = this.availableAllocation - vvalue;
          } else {
            for(let [key, vvalue] of this.invoicesMap) {
              if(key === invoiceId){
                this.availableAllocation = this.amount - vvalue;
        } else if(!event.checked){
          for(let [key, vvalue] of this.invoicesMap) {
            if (key === invoiceId) {
              console.log("removing an item");
              this.availableAllocation += vvalue;
        //at this point I would like to set this.payment.invoices to this.invoiceMap
        for(let [key, value] of this.invoicesMap){
          let v = {invoice_id:key,amount:value};
        this.payment.allocated = this.availableAllocation;
        // this.paymentServices.updatePayment(this.payment)
        //   .subscribe((res)=>{
        //     this.payment = res;
        //     this.dialogRef.close(this.payment);
        //     },
        //     error =>{
        //       console.log(<any>error);
        //     });

    the items are added to the invoiceMap but the problem I am having now is adding invoiceMap to payment.invoices. If someone can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated. Thanks

  • Limpep
    Limpep almost 7 years
    I changed invoices to map in payment and like you said to iterate over the map and its working as expected, Thanks for your help.
  • Limpep
    Limpep almost 7 years
    Thanks but I am using Java, plus i could use this