Ordering the axis labels in geom_tile


Solution 1

The y-axis on your chart is also already ordered alphabetically, but from the origin. I think you can achieve the order of the axes that you want by using xlim and ylim. For example:

ggplot(mymelt, aes(x = industry, y = variable, fill = value)) +
    geom_tile() + geom_text(aes(fill = mymelt$value, label = mymelt$value)) +
    ylim(rev(levels(mymelt$variable))) + xlim(levels(mymelt$industry))

will order the y-axis from all regions at the top, followed by americas, and then europe at the bottom (which is reverse alphabetical order, technically). The x-axis is alphabetically ordered from all industries to steel with cars in between.

enter image description here

Solution 2

As smillig says, the default is already to order the axes alphabetically, but the y axis will be ordered from the lower left corner up.

The basic rule with ggplot2 that applies to almost anything that you want in a specific order is:

  • If you want something to appear in a particular order, you must make the corresponding variable a factor, with the levels sorted in your desired order.

In this case, all you should need to do it this:

mymelt$variable <- with(mymelt,factor(variable,levels = rev(sort(unique(variable)))))

which should work regardless of whether you're running R with stringsAsFactors = TRUE or FALSE.

This principle applies to ordering axis labels, ordering bars, ordering segments within bars, ordering facets, etc.

For continuous variables there is a convenient scale_*_reverse() but apparently not for discrete variables, which would be a nice addition, I think.

Solution 3

Another possibility is to use fct_reorder from forecast library.

mydf %>%
pivot_longer(cols=c('all regions', 'americas', 'europe')) %>% 
  mutate(name1=fct_reorder(name, value, .desc=FALSE)) %>% 
  ggplot( aes(x = industry, y = name1, fill = value)) +
  geom_tile() + geom_text(aes( label = value))
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Write inelegant code with sporadic enthusiasm, mostly in R, but occasionally Perl, VBA etc.

Updated on July 12, 2022


  • SlowLearner
    SlowLearner almost 2 years

    I have a data frame containing order data for each of 20+ products from each of 20+ countries. I have put it in a highlight table using ggplot2 with code similar to this:

    mydf <- data.frame(industry = c('all industries','steel','cars'), 
        'all regions' = c(250,150,100), americas = c(150,90,60), 
         europe = c(150,60,40), check.names = FALSE)
    mymelt <- melt(mydf, id.var = c('industry'))
    ggplot(mymelt, aes(x = industry, y = variable, fill = value)) +
        geom_tile() + geom_text(aes(fill = mymelt$value, label = mymelt$value))

    Which produces a plot like this:

    highlight table

    In the real plot, the 450 cell table very nicely shows the 'hotspots' where orders are concentrated. The last refinement I want to implement is to arrange the items on both the x-axis and y-axis in alphabetical order. So in the plot above, the y-axis (variable) would be ordered as all regions, americas, then europe and the x-axis (industry) would be ordered all industries, cars and steel. In fact the x-axis is already ordered alphabetically, but I wouldn't know how to achieve that if it were not already the case.

    I feel somewhat embarrassed about having to ask this question as I know there are many similar on SO, but sorting and ordering in R remains my personal bugbear and I cannot get this to work. Although I do try, in all except the simplest cases I got lost in a welter of calls to factor, levels, sort, order and with.

    Q. How can I arrange the above highlight table so that both y-axis and x-axis are ordered alphabetically?

    EDIT: The answers from smillig and joran below do resolve the question with the test data but with the real data the problem remains: I can't get an alphabetical sort. This leaves me scratching my head as the basic structure of the data frame looks the same. Clearly I have omitted something, but what??

    > str(mymelt)
    'data.frame':   340 obs. of  3 variables:
     $ Industry: chr  "Animal and vegetable products" "Food and beverages" "Chemicals" "Plastic and rubber goods" ...
     $ variable: Factor w/ 17 levels "Other areas",..: 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 ...
     $ value   : num  0.000904 0.000515 0.007189 0.007721 0.000274 ...

    However, applying the with statement doesn't result in levels with an alphabetical sort.

    > with(mymelt,factor(variable,levels = rev(sort(unique(variable)))))
      [1] USA                   USA                   USA                  
      [4] USA                   USA                   USA                  
      [7] USA                   USA                   USA                  
     [10] USA                   USA                   USA                  
     [13] USA                   USA                   USA                  
     [16] USA                   USA                   USA                  
     [19] USA                   USA                   Canada               
     [22] Canada                Canada                Canada               
     [25] Canada                Canada                Canada               
     [28] Canada                Canada                Canada    

    All the way down to:

     [334] Other areas           Other areas           Other areas          
     [337] Other areas           Other areas           Other areas          
     [340] Other areas

    And if you do a levels() it seems to show the same thing:

     [1] "Other areas"           "Oceania"               "Africa"               
     [4] "Other Non-Eurozone"    "UK"                    "Other Eurozone"       
     [7] "Holland"               "Germany"               "Other Asia"           
    [10] "Middle East"           "ASEAN-5"               "Singapore"            
    [13] "HK/China"              "Japan"                 "South Central America"
    [16] "Canada"                "USA"  

    That is, the non-reversed version of the above.

    The following shot shows what the plot of the real data looks like. As you can see, the x-axis is sorted and the y-axis is not. I'm perplexed. I'm missing something but can't see what it is.

    screenshot of plot with real data